Loewy, Coldspot

Dreyfuss, Bell #302

Raymond Loewy, Coldspot refrigerator, 1935

Henry Dreyfuss, Bell telephone #302, 1937


Russel Wright, American Modern

Loewy's Luckys

Russel Wright, American Modern dinnerware, c.1937

Raymond Loewy, Lucky Strike redesign, 1942


Charles Eames, Leg splint

Ray Eames, Cross-patch

Charles Eames, Leg Splint, 1943

Ray Eames, Cross-patch textile, 1945


Ray and Charles Eames, LCW chair, 1945

Christian Dior, The New Look, 1947


Eames House

Ray and Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen, Eames House, 1949

Ray and Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen, Eames House interior, 1949


Ray and Charles Eames, Eames Storage Unit, 1950

Ray and Charles Eames, Eames Lounge and Ottoman, 1956


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